Tuesday 13 April 2010

Readig summary: Learner Autonomy and Tandem Learning: Putting Principles into Practice in Synchronous and Asynchronous Telecommunications Environments

By Klaus Schwienhorst

This article talks about learner autonomy in second language acquisition in synchronous and asynchronous telecommunications environments.

In order to create such learner autonomy media, the writer focused on three theoretical concepts and models.
First, individual–cognitive perspective, based on Kelly’s theory of personal constructs, learners can constantly improve their existing construct system through processes of reflection which in language learning links to linguistic and metalinguistic awareness.
Second, social–interactive perspective, based on Vygotsky’s zone of proximal development, interpersonal interaction and collaboration can encourage intrapersonal dialogue with corrective feedback which can increase consciousness. Written feedback can generate greater language and linguistic awareness with comprehensive input and output.
Third experimental-participatory which means learners control over their learning process, supported by a rich learning environment, peers and teachers.

According to writer, medium of writing is a vital role for developing reflective, interactive and experimental processes.

In implementing the above principles, the writer raised the Tandem exchanges examples. That is both L1 and L2 learners form a tandem pair and then they negotiate, and exchange ideas to work out their projects by emails (asynchronous communication), chat system or the Moo (Synchronous Communication).

However, the writer raised some problems on the project, and he argued that to be successfully implemented the Tandem projects, teachers’ role in planning, monitoring evaluation and giving feedback is important. Learners better to involve in designing learning environments, tasks and selecting partners. In addition, task – based work should have clear goal and it is better be part of the integral course which can be worked both online and offline, and it needs to be submitted to their teachers.

Self reflection:
It is very surprising to learn the Tandem exchange scheme. I think it would be easier for teacher to find L1 partners for their students through this agency. But just not quite sure whether the Electronic Tandem Resources at Trinity College Dublin are freely to join and how to go the Moo. Actually, after reading the article, I am still not quite sure the meaning of CMC.


  1. CMC = Computer Mediated Communication
    In plain English it means MSN e mail, SMS that sort of thing.

  2. Hey Jenny

    You mentioned that you weren't sure the meaning of CMC. But I'm sure you do know what has mentioned in Schwienhorst's article. Your summary shows your understanding. Very thorough indeed.

    Do you think you can incorporate tandem leaning mentioned in Schwienhorst's article into your teaching?

  3. Jenny said...

    What is SkyDrive? It shows in my hotmail. account but I never used it. Can you tell me more about it?
    23 April 2010 06:48
    Gibble said...

    OK Jenny SkyDrive is 25Gb of free storage from Windows Live. You can put things on it and download as well.
    23 April 2010 09:03
    Gibble said...

    There is also a facility so that you can share your files with the public or not. I have uploaded assignments to SkyDrive from my notebook and then I have been able to access them from my netbook at CityU.

    This is something called Cloud http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cloud_computing
    If you can have 25Gb free of charge it is the right price. Iris and Claire have forgotten their flash RAMs and could have lost valuable data. If they had used SkyDrive instead this would not have been a problem.
    23 April 2010 20:53
    Posted on your blog for your benefit.

  4. Sorry it is called cloud computing.
