Sunday 25 April 2010

Second Life

People don't have second life, but you can have your second life here. It is a wonderful website for communication with strangers around the world in a virtual environment. And it is a very good website to learn English and I think it can be used to teach History, Geography and Visual Arts for secondary school students.


  1. Jenny,

    Second life is very much like CS - Counter Strike, a shooting game very popular among boys. I think nowadays we teachers have to arouse students' interest in learning English 'by hook or by crook'. It doesn't mean surrendering to non-legitimate way of learning. Rather, it shows teachers' flexibility.

  2. I agree with you that second life is a wonderful website for communication with stranger around the world in a virtual environment. Many researches proved that students would feel more relaxed and less anxious when learning English in a virtual environment. They may feel more ease talking with strangers and would like to involve in the communication in a virtual environment.
